Monday, February 20, 2012

Yoga Hike

lululemon athletica enrgy pant, savasana scarf, tank and in stride jacket pk black, oneitska tiger shoes
 Hiking Escondido Falls in Malibu canyon on a beautiful day requires that you pause to take a moment to observe the power of nature. What better way to do that then to strike a few yoga poses! Whether on a rock or the edge of a cliff, it always provides a fresh perspective to take your practice off the mat and out into the world.

Warrior 1

Monday, February 13, 2012

Climb a Tree, Strike a Pose

Tree pose is one of my favorite asanas because it allows you to remain fully rooted in the earth while reaching to the sky. If you can find this same balance in your life then I think you have found one of the keys to unlocking happiness.