Friday, August 17, 2012

Yoga - Mala Meanings

amethyst mala, shop eat yoga logo inspiration, first seen here 

Yoga is not just a good workout. There is meaning behind every asana, visualization and meditation. The same goes for the custom intention jewelry by Chelsea Welch. Each of her mala bead necklaces come with a card describing their unique "Mala Energies." Every stone is different. 

Here is what my mala energies card says about amethyst:

Extremely powerful & protective stone. Enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation. Has strong healing and cleansing powers. Very calming. Helps one feel less scattered and more focused and in control of your life. Facilitates decision making, bringing common sense and spiritual insights. Enhances memory and improves motivation. Balances out the highs and lows. One of the most spirtual stones. Promotes love of the Divine, encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom.
amethyst geode mala, yoga instructor Kelly Grimes' family heirloom, first seen here

Now when Chelsea first began to fill me in on everything she knows about stones and crystals, their meaning and her personal experience associated with them, I was a bit skeptical. A first reaction can sometimes be like, "What is this hippy dippy nonsense!?!!"

The more I learned though, the more intrigued I became. Yogis are super in tune with the earth around them, yoga practices follow the moons and the sun and so it only makes sense to take the healing power and energies of crystals into account. Crystals come from the earth and each one has unique properties. Ancient civilizations have been using crystals for thousands of years. Why not just give them a chance and see what wearing a crystal can bring into your life?

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