Friday, June 1, 2012

Shop Eat Yoga Logo

Custom Intention Jewelry by Chelsea Welch
The Shop Eat Yoga logo was inspired by my favorite mala bead necklace which is made of sandalwood beads and Amethyst stones.

Sandalwood is an aromatic wood that can retain it's fragrance for decades and is used in essential oils.

Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone. It enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation and has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst is very calming and helps one feel less scattered and more focused and in control of life. This stone facilitates decision making, brings common sense and spiritual insights. It enhances memory and improves motivation while balancing out the highs and lows. One of the most spiritual stones, it promotes love of the divine, encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

essie fiji nailpolish

I love the necklace because it can be worn a couple of different ways. You can wear it long or loop the jewel through the end of the necklace to wear it short. No matter which way I wear this mala, I choose to put it on when I need a bit of an extra boost in my morale. It makes me feel powerful and like I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to.
pura vida bracelet, lululemon rehearsal tank


  1. Replies
    1. It is in the about section! Funny though, I was thinking you should have your own widget, check out the home page now :)
